Uses of Class

Packages that use AutoBinding
org.jdesktop.beansbinding Provides support for defining properties and creating bindings between sets of two properties. 
org.jdesktop.swingbinding Provides support for binding to complex Swing components, and documentation on the interesting Swing properties to bind to. 

Uses of AutoBinding in org.jdesktop.beansbinding

Methods in org.jdesktop.beansbinding that return AutoBinding
Bindings.createAutoBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,SV> sourceProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,TV> targetProperty)
          Creates an instance of AutoBinding that binds a property of a source object to a property of a target object.
Bindings.createAutoBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,SV> sourceProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,TV> targetProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a named instance of AutoBinding that binds a property of a source object to a property of a target object.
<SS,TS,TV> AutoBinding<SS,SS,TS,TV>
Bindings.createAutoBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, TS targetObject, Property<TS,TV> targetProperty)
          Creates an instance of AutoBinding that binds a source object to a property of a target object.
<SS,TS,TV> AutoBinding<SS,SS,TS,TV>
Bindings.createAutoBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, TS targetObject, Property<TS,TV> targetProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a named instance of AutoBinding that binds a source object to a property of a target object.

Uses of AutoBinding in org.jdesktop.swingbinding

Subclasses of AutoBinding in org.jdesktop.swingbinding
 class JComboBoxBinding<E,SS,TS>
          Binds a List of objects to act as the items of a JComboBox.
 class JListBinding<E,SS,TS>
          Binds a List of objects to act as the elements of a JList.
 class JTableBinding<E,SS,TS>
          Binds a List of objects to act as the rows of a JTable.