Uses of Class

Packages that use Property
org.jdesktop.beansbinding Provides support for defining properties and creating bindings between sets of two properties. 
org.jdesktop.swingbinding Provides support for binding to complex Swing components, and documentation on the interesting Swing properties to bind to. 
org.jdesktop.swingbinding.impl Private implementation details for Swing binding. 

Uses of Property in org.jdesktop.beansbinding

Subclasses of Property in org.jdesktop.beansbinding
 class BeanProperty<S,V>
          An implementation of Property that uses a simple dot-separated path syntax to address Java Beans properties of source objects.
 class ELProperty<S,V>
          An implementation of Property that allows Java Beans properties of source objects to be addressed using a simple dot-separated path syntax within an EL expression.
 class ObjectProperty<S>
          An immutable, read-only, Property implementation whose getValue method returns the source object that it is given.
 class PropertyHelper<S,V>
          An abstract subclass of Property that helps with the management of PropertyStateListeners by implementing the methods for adding, removing, and getting listeners.

Methods in org.jdesktop.beansbinding that return Property
 Property PropertyStateEvent.getSourceProperty()
          Returns the Property whose state has changed.
 Property<SS,SV> Binding.getSourceProperty()
          Returns the Binding's source property, which may not be null.
 Property<TS,TV> Binding.getTargetProperty()
          Returns the Binding's target property, which may not be null.

Methods in org.jdesktop.beansbinding with parameters of type Property
<S,V> ELProperty<S,V>
ELProperty.create(Property<S,?> baseProperty, java.lang.String expression)
          Creates an instance of ELProperty for the given base property and expression.
<S,V> BeanProperty<S,V>
BeanProperty.create(Property<S,?> baseProperty, java.lang.String path)
          Creates an instance of BeanProperty for the given base property and path.
Bindings.createAutoBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,SV> sourceProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,TV> targetProperty)
          Creates an instance of AutoBinding that binds a property of a source object to a property of a target object.
Bindings.createAutoBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,SV> sourceProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,TV> targetProperty)
          Creates an instance of AutoBinding that binds a property of a source object to a property of a target object.
Bindings.createAutoBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,SV> sourceProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,TV> targetProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a named instance of AutoBinding that binds a property of a source object to a property of a target object.
Bindings.createAutoBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,SV> sourceProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,TV> targetProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a named instance of AutoBinding that binds a property of a source object to a property of a target object.
<SS,TS,TV> AutoBinding<SS,SS,TS,TV>
Bindings.createAutoBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, TS targetObject, Property<TS,TV> targetProperty)
          Creates an instance of AutoBinding that binds a source object to a property of a target object.
<SS,TS,TV> AutoBinding<SS,SS,TS,TV>
Bindings.createAutoBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, TS targetObject, Property<TS,TV> targetProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a named instance of AutoBinding that binds a source object to a property of a target object.
protected  void Binding.setSourceProperty(Property<SS,SV> sourceProperty)
          Sets the Binding's source property.
protected  void Binding.setTargetProperty(Property<TS,TV> targetProperty)
          Sets the Binding's target property.

Constructors in org.jdesktop.beansbinding with parameters of type Property
AutoBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,SV> sourceProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,TV> targetProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Create an instance of AutoBinding between two properties of two objects, with the given update strategy.
AutoBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,SV> sourceProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,TV> targetProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Create an instance of AutoBinding between two properties of two objects, with the given update strategy.
Binding(SS sourceObject, Property<SS,SV> sourceProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,TV> targetProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Create an instance of Binding between two properties of two objects.
Binding(SS sourceObject, Property<SS,SV> sourceProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,TV> targetProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Create an instance of Binding between two properties of two objects.
PropertyStateEvent(Property sourceProperty, java.lang.Object sourceObject, boolean valueChanged, java.lang.Object oldValue, java.lang.Object newValue, boolean writeableChanged, boolean isWriteable)
          Creates an instance of PropertyStateEvent characterizing a change in a Property's state for a particular source object.

Uses of Property in org.jdesktop.swingbinding

Methods in org.jdesktop.swingbinding with parameters of type Property
 JTableBinding.ColumnBinding JTableBinding.addColumnBinding(int index, Property<E,?> columnProperty)
          Creates a ColumnBinding and inserts it at the given index into the list of ColumnBindings maintained by this JTableBinding.
 JTableBinding.ColumnBinding JTableBinding.addColumnBinding(int index, Property<E,?> columnProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a ColumnBinding and inserts it at the given index into the list of ColumnBindings maintained by this JTableBinding.
 JTableBinding.ColumnBinding JTableBinding.addColumnBinding(Property<E,?> columnProperty)
          Creates a ColumnBinding and adds it to the end of the list of ColumnBindings maintained by this JTableBinding.
 JTableBinding.ColumnBinding JTableBinding.addColumnBinding(Property<E,?> columnProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a named ColumnBinding and adds it to the end of the list of ColumnBindings maintained by this JTableBinding.
<E,TS> JComboBoxBinding<E,java.util.List<E>,TS>
SwingBindings.createJComboBoxBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, java.util.List<E> sourceList, TS targetObject, Property<TS,? extends javax.swing.JComboBox> targetJComboBoxProperty)
          Creates a JComboBoxBinding from a direct reference to a List and an object and property that resolves to a JComboBox.
<E,TS> JComboBoxBinding<E,java.util.List<E>,TS>
SwingBindings.createJComboBoxBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, java.util.List<E> sourceList, TS targetObject, Property<TS,? extends javax.swing.JComboBox> targetJComboBoxProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a named JComboBoxBinding from a direct reference to a List and an object and property that resolves to a JComboBox.
<E,SS> JComboBoxBinding<E,SS,javax.swing.JComboBox>
SwingBindings.createJComboBoxBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,java.util.List<E>> sourceListProperty, javax.swing.JComboBox targetJComboBox)
          Creates a JComboBoxBinding from an object and property that resolves to a List and a direct reference to a JComboBox.
<E,SS> JComboBoxBinding<E,SS,javax.swing.JComboBox>
SwingBindings.createJComboBoxBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,java.util.List<E>> sourceListProperty, javax.swing.JComboBox targetJComboBox, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a named JComboBoxBinding from an object and property that resolves to a List and a direct reference to a JComboBox.
<E,SS,TS> JComboBoxBinding<E,SS,TS>
SwingBindings.createJComboBoxBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,java.util.List<E>> sourceListProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,? extends javax.swing.JComboBox> targetJComboBoxProperty)
          Creates a JComboBoxBinding from an object and property that resolves to a List and an object and property that resolves to a JComboBox.
<E,SS,TS> JComboBoxBinding<E,SS,TS>
SwingBindings.createJComboBoxBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,java.util.List<E>> sourceListProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,? extends javax.swing.JComboBox> targetJComboBoxProperty)
          Creates a JComboBoxBinding from an object and property that resolves to a List and an object and property that resolves to a JComboBox.
<E,SS,TS> JComboBoxBinding<E,SS,TS>
SwingBindings.createJComboBoxBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,java.util.List<E>> sourceListProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,? extends javax.swing.JComboBox> targetJComboBoxProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a named JComboBoxBinding from an object and property that resolves to a List and an object and property that resolves to a JComboBox.
<E,SS,TS> JComboBoxBinding<E,SS,TS>
SwingBindings.createJComboBoxBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,java.util.List<E>> sourceListProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,? extends javax.swing.JComboBox> targetJComboBoxProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a named JComboBoxBinding from an object and property that resolves to a List and an object and property that resolves to a JComboBox.
<E,TS> JListBinding<E,java.util.List<E>,TS>
SwingBindings.createJListBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, java.util.List<E> sourceList, TS targetObject, Property<TS,? extends javax.swing.JList> targetJListProperty)
          Creates a JListBinding from a direct reference to a List and an object and property that resolves to a JList.
<E,TS> JListBinding<E,java.util.List<E>,TS>
SwingBindings.createJListBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, java.util.List<E> sourceList, TS targetObject, Property<TS,? extends javax.swing.JList> targetJListProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a named JListBinding from a direct reference to a List and an object and property that resolves to a JList.
<E,SS> JListBinding<E,SS,javax.swing.JList>
SwingBindings.createJListBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,java.util.List<E>> sourceListProperty, javax.swing.JList targetJList)
          Creates a JListBinding from an object and property that resolves to a List and a direct reference to a JList.
<E,SS> JListBinding<E,SS,javax.swing.JList>
SwingBindings.createJListBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,java.util.List<E>> sourceListProperty, javax.swing.JList targetJList, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a named JListBinding from an object and property that resolves to a List and a direct reference to a JList.
<E,SS,TS> JListBinding<E,SS,TS>
SwingBindings.createJListBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,java.util.List<E>> sourceListProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,? extends javax.swing.JList> targetJListProperty)
          Creates a JListBinding from an object and property that resolves to a List and an object and property that resolves to a JList.
<E,SS,TS> JListBinding<E,SS,TS>
SwingBindings.createJListBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,java.util.List<E>> sourceListProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,? extends javax.swing.JList> targetJListProperty)
          Creates a JListBinding from an object and property that resolves to a List and an object and property that resolves to a JList.
<E,SS,TS> JListBinding<E,SS,TS>
SwingBindings.createJListBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,java.util.List<E>> sourceListProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,? extends javax.swing.JList> targetJListProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a named JListBinding from an object and property that resolves to a List and an object and property that resolves to a JList.
<E,SS,TS> JListBinding<E,SS,TS>
SwingBindings.createJListBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,java.util.List<E>> sourceListProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,? extends javax.swing.JList> targetJListProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a named JListBinding from an object and property that resolves to a List and an object and property that resolves to a JList.
<E,TS> JTableBinding<E,java.util.List<E>,TS>
SwingBindings.createJTableBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, java.util.List<E> sourceList, TS targetObject, Property<TS,? extends javax.swing.JTable> targetJTableProperty)
          Creates a JTableBinding from a direct reference to a List and an object and property that resolves to a JTable.
<E,TS> JTableBinding<E,java.util.List<E>,TS>
SwingBindings.createJTableBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, java.util.List<E> sourceList, TS targetObject, Property<TS,? extends javax.swing.JTable> targetJTableProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a named JTableBinding from a direct reference to a List and an object and property that resolves to a JTable.
<E,SS> JTableBinding<E,SS,javax.swing.JTable>
SwingBindings.createJTableBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,java.util.List<E>> sourceListProperty, javax.swing.JTable targetJTable)
          Creates a JTableBinding from an object and property that resolves to a List and a direct reference to a JTable.
<E,SS> JTableBinding<E,SS,javax.swing.JTable>
SwingBindings.createJTableBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,java.util.List<E>> sourceListProperty, javax.swing.JTable targetJTable, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a named JTableBinding from an object and property that resolves to a List and a direct reference to a JTable.
<E,SS,TS> JTableBinding<E,SS,TS>
SwingBindings.createJTableBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,java.util.List<E>> sourceListProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,? extends javax.swing.JTable> targetJTableProperty)
          Creates a JTableBinding from an object and property that resolves to a List and an object and property that resolves to a JTable.
<E,SS,TS> JTableBinding<E,SS,TS>
SwingBindings.createJTableBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,java.util.List<E>> sourceListProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,? extends javax.swing.JTable> targetJTableProperty)
          Creates a JTableBinding from an object and property that resolves to a List and an object and property that resolves to a JTable.
<E,SS,TS> JTableBinding<E,SS,TS>
SwingBindings.createJTableBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,java.util.List<E>> sourceListProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,? extends javax.swing.JTable> targetJTableProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a named JTableBinding from an object and property that resolves to a List and an object and property that resolves to a JTable.
<E,SS,TS> JTableBinding<E,SS,TS>
SwingBindings.createJTableBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,java.util.List<E>> sourceListProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,? extends javax.swing.JTable> targetJTableProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a named JTableBinding from an object and property that resolves to a List and an object and property that resolves to a JTable.
 JListBinding.DetailBinding JListBinding.setDetailBinding(Property<E,?> detailProperty)
          Creates a DetailBinding and sets it as the DetailBinding for this JListBinding.
 JListBinding.DetailBinding JListBinding.setDetailBinding(Property<E,?> detailProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a named DetailBinding and sets it as the DetailBinding for this JListBinding.

Constructors in org.jdesktop.swingbinding with parameters of type Property
JComboBoxBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,java.util.List<E>> sourceListProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,? extends javax.swing.JComboBox> targetJComboBoxProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Constructs an instance of JComboBoxBinding.
JComboBoxBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,java.util.List<E>> sourceListProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,? extends javax.swing.JComboBox> targetJComboBoxProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Constructs an instance of JComboBoxBinding.
JListBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,java.util.List<E>> sourceListProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,? extends javax.swing.JList> targetJListProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Constructs an instance of JListBinding.
JListBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,java.util.List<E>> sourceListProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,? extends javax.swing.JList> targetJListProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Constructs an instance of JListBinding.
JTableBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,java.util.List<E>> sourceListProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,? extends javax.swing.JTable> targetJTableProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Constructs an instance of JTableBinding.
JTableBinding(AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy strategy, SS sourceObject, Property<SS,java.util.List<E>> sourceListProperty, TS targetObject, Property<TS,? extends javax.swing.JTable> targetJTableProperty, java.lang.String name)
          Constructs an instance of JTableBinding.

Uses of Property in org.jdesktop.swingbinding.impl

Constructors in org.jdesktop.swingbinding.impl with parameters of type Property
AbstractColumnBinding(int column, Property columnSource, Property columnTarget, java.lang.String name)
AbstractColumnBinding(int column, Property columnSource, Property columnTarget, java.lang.String name)