Package org.jdesktop.observablecollections

Provides support for observing changes to collection classes.


Interface Summary
ObservableList<E> A List that notifies listeners of changes.
ObservableListListener Notification types from an ObservableList.
ObservableMap<K,V> A Map that notifies listeners of changes to the Map.
ObservableMapListener Notification types from an ObservableMap.

Class Summary
ObservableCollections ObservableCollections provides factory methods for creating observable lists and maps.
ObservableCollections.ObservableListHelper<E> ObservableListHelper is created by observableListHelper, and useful when changes to individual elements of the list can be tracked.

Package org.jdesktop.observablecollections Description

Provides support for observing changes to collection classes. The classes in this package are not part of JSR 295.